Sequence of the Primordial Five Elements Creation :
All the matter in its diversity comes from the five basic universal elements.
The five elements are considered key by modern science.
From The Divine sound "OM" was manifested in the ether that led up the other elements that follow.
From The Divine sound "OM" was manifested in the ether that led up the other elements that follow.
1) Unmanifested state of pure consciousness
2) The absolute vibrations of consciousness comes the silent sound OM
(aum) and of the vibration of OM was born element "ether" (space)
3) The subtle movements of the "ether" was born the primary element "air".4) The friction created by moving the "air" and creates heat and light which
3) The subtle movements of the "ether" was born the primary element "air".4) The friction created by moving the "air" and creates heat and light which
comes the element of "tejas (fire).
5) Some parts of "ether" dissolved due to heat and liquefy, causing the
5) Some parts of "ether" dissolved due to heat and liquefy, causing the
Seqüência da Criação dos Cinco Elementos Primordiais :
Toda a matéria na sua diversidade surge dos cinco elementos universais básicos.
Do som Divino “OM” se manifestou o éter que na continuação originou os outros elementos seguintes.
1) Estado imanifesto da consciência pura
2) Das vibrações da consciência absoluta nasce o som silencioso OM (aum) e
da vibração do OM nasceu o elemento “éter” (espaço)
3) Dos movimentos sutis do “éter” nasceu o elemento primordial “ar”.
4) Da fricção criada pelo movimento do “ar” e cria o calor e a luz dos quais
nasce o elemento “tejas” (fogo).
5) Algumas partes de “éter” se dissolveram e liquidificaram devido ao calor,
originando o elemento “água”.
6) O elemento “água” se solidificou formando as moléculas do elemento
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